The LynseysMorgan Lynsey's country folk duo, The Lynseys. Guitarist/producer, Geoffrey Maddock, and Morgan have a unique "mountain sound" with...
American RoadsFor the last few months, Geoffrey Maddock and I have been writing and recording a NEW COUNTRY ALBUM! I am SO thrilled about this fresh...
High Heels Music VideoI can't believe it's been almost a year since I shot my very 1st music video for single "High Heels". I am so proud of how it turned out!...
Tucked AwayMorgan Lynsey's new single "Tucked Away" is now available to buy on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, Amazon Music, Google Play, rdio,...
InterviewInterview with Morgan Lynsey by Kate Mast KM: All your songs are so positive, where do you get you inspiration? What advice do you have...